Announcements & News


We are pleased to announce we will be reopening the Clubhouse Fitness Room on March 1, 2021 – Reservations Required via link below

The HOA Board has voted to open the Clubhouse Fitness Room as of 3/1/2021 with a reservation system in place and with required protocols for use.

  1. 1 Hour time slots must be reserved at least 1 hour before your reservation time.  Please click here to make your reservation:

  2. The clubhouse gym will be open Monday / Wednesday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday 5 a.m. – 10 p.m. and closed Tuesday / Thursday.
  3. Capacity will be limited to 3 individuals per each 1 hour time slot.
  4. Masks are to be worn and 6 feet of social distance maintained by individuals while in the clubhouse.
  5. The south entrance (volleyball court side) will be used to enter/exit the facility.  The main entrance and great room will be locked and not accessible for the time being.
  6. Residents are required to disinfect equipment before and after each use. There will be towels, spray disinfectant, and hand sanitizer available.
  7. Please use common sense, if you feel  under the weather or have been exposed to someone who is sick please do not use the clubhouse.

If you have any questions please contact Candee at the Management Company at [email protected]



The clubhouse/fitness center/pool/volleyball court/playground are all closed due to COVID19 until further notice.  The key fobs have been deactivated and will not work.

After much consideration the Board of Directors has made the decision to close the above to help ensure that our community stays safe.  Following the guidelines of the CDC and order of the Governor all gyms/fitness centers in the area are currently closed.  This is in part due to social distancing and also in part due to the fact that the virus has been found to be able to live on surfaces for an extended period of time and people are the most contagious when they are not showing any symptoms.

The Board of Directors has consulted with the Management Company as well as the Association’s Attorney before taking this step and everyone is in agreement that this is the best step to protect the community  as most Association’s in the area have already closed their clubhouse and fitness centers.  The pool will still be prepared for the summer to ensure that everything is operating properly so that when the stay at home order and social distancing guidelines are lifted and the board deems it safe, the pool is able to open without delay.  At this time, it is unknown what that date will be.  In order to ensure you are receiving the latest news please sign up on the website for e-mail/text notifications.  If you do not have a log in for the website and you are a homeowner contact our manager Candee at [email protected] for more information. 

-Board of Directors




You have currently landed at our new HOA public site.  This site is where you will find all current community information and events.

In addition, we will now be able to send you email blasts with current information in a timely manner without having to snail mail notices to our homeowners.

This site will also be available in an app form so information is easily accessible from your phone.  Watch your email in the coming weeks for a log in invitation.

We are continuing to roll out new features of both this public landing site as well as the private HOA site, so please check back often.